Wrapping Up GSoC: A Bindaas Experience!

For the past 12 weeks I have been working on adding a new authentication and authorization mechanism to Bindaas, a data integration middleware. Bindaas provides a common RESTful interface to various data sources like Apache Drill, MySQL and MongoDB. Bindaas exposes APIs to execute CRUD operations on these data sources.... [Read More]
Tags: gsoc bindaas

Everything GSoC!

This year I got selected for the Google Summer of Code program. For the next three moths I will be working with Biomedical Informatics, Emory University, in particular on their Data Integration Middleware called Bindaas. You can read more about my proposal and the organisation here. [Read More]
Tags: gsoc bindaas

Hello World!

Hello World! As per the traditions of computer programming this blog post is a sanity check to see if I have configured the entire thing properly. [Read More]